Embroidery digitizing gives elegant look to your pictures
Picture digitization is the technique of transforming a picture into a stitched file by the use of software and that stitched file is read by a special embroidery machine. Embroidery digitizing for your picture is a tremendous way to personalize your craft and provide extraordinary gifts for any friend or family member. But to do this, conversion of the picture to an embroidery file is needed.
You must be thinking about what an embroidery file is and which kind of image file can be converted into embroidery file. Embroidery file is a file format which can be read by an embroidery machine to create a desired design and this embroidery file needs to have all information (color of threads, number and type of stitches, angle of stitches) that are essential for creating a design.
Embroidery digitizing is a complex process, actually, it is an art if done correctly. Embroidery digitizing for a picture is not so simple. If you are planning to turn a photo into embroidery by yourself, don't do it. You need to hire professionals for this purpose as it is an art and must be learned before putting into practice.
Whether looking for the services of embroidery digitizing for your picture? We are here with professionals that will satisfy you with their services at affordable prices. Our workers ensure that the image file is in the right layout, digitize the image and transform it into the right type of embroidery file.
Embroidery digitizing has gained popularity among people other than corporate as one can get an elegant look of his photo, his pet, his favorite place, or anything else that one wants.